When asked what we could do to change the world, Mother Theresa
responded, "Go home. Go home and love your children."

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Eden Hope

It's Thursday, my grocery shopping day...or at least it has been my grocery shopping day. We'll have to see how little Miss Eden behaves herself when she gets here. She is going to make her grand appearance Sunday!! The Dr. offered to induce me Sunday and I said okay! I am to call before I come in to make sure there is a room.

I cannot believe she will be here in three days! My emotions are all over the place. In one sense, I cannot wait to see her sweet face, pat her little behind, and tickle her toes. But then, I'm also savoring this pregnancy because I know it's my last. I love feeling her move in my stomach. I love guessing, was that an elbow or a knee? I love when the little stinker comes to life at 10pm. when I am ready to go to bed. I thank God so much for blessing us with one more. I thank Him for an amazing, uneventful pregnancy! "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good" Ps. 118:1....this is one of the girls' memory verses in Awana this week!

I am also praying for a good transition for our family with bringing home a newborn. Am I ready for the sleep deprivation? For 24 hour feedings? For changing poopie diapers at 2am.? So many people probably think I'm nutty for starting over just as I have gotten my girls off to school. Honestly, sometimes I feel a little nutty. But, the excitement on the girls faces and the love I already feel for Eden Hope makes it all worthwhile! "Children are a blessing from the Lord".

So, Eden Hope, we are ready to meet you. Your sisters cannot hardly wait. Emma has already marked it on the calender, as Oct. 3rd. Eden's Birthday! Mommy and Daddy are very excited to hold you and kiss you. I will try my best to keep you protected and hopefully you won't have too many pinched fingers, as we have two very BIG helpers that are already planning on taking care of you so well. Sunday is your day, baby girl! Be obedient, and come meet your family!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's More Blessed to Give

This week has been a tough week in some ways. I can remember when my girls were little and we were having a hard day. (They are 17 months apart and though it's great in some ways, it was still hard when they were little). I remember thinking I can't wait until they're old enough to go to school! Well, that day came on Monday, Aug. 9th. I waved good-bye to them on the school bus and broke into tears. Really this is the first time they have been gone all day. Emma did a half day program for Kindergarten last year so I had her home by noon everyday.

It's hard to put into words the emotional struggle I've had with it. I guess for almost 7 years I have been able to monitor them, watch over them, protect them, know what they were eating, make sure they were getting enough rest...etc. I was able to grasp those teachable moments with them and shepherd their hearts. In some ways, I could control their environment. On Monday they stepped onto the school bus at 7:30am and entered another world. A world that I can't control. A world in which I can't protect them from. It broke my heart.

The good news is that my God loves them more than me and they actually belong to Him. I truly had to surrender them to Him and trust Him to protect them. And also, trust that everything Happy and I have taught them will equip them for school. It's scary knowing that they are now under the influence of others more than their family during the week. I've had serious doubts of whether or not this has been the best decision. I believe God has given me a peace about it, but I still have my moments. I understand that one of the goals of parenting is raising a responsible adult and in order to have a responsible adult you have to let them go at some point. I've just wondered if First Grade and Kindergarten were too early.

So my prayer for them has been something like this, "God may they be true to themselves and true to You. May they remember what they have been taught. Use them for Your glory. They are Yours. May they be a blessing to others". Today I got to see a little answer to that prayer. I went and had lunch with Myah. She began to tell me that she received some care cash today. (I guess care cash is something you get when you have obeyed, done something good...etc.) She said that one of her friends was sad because she didn't get any care cash and put her head down. Myah told me I thought about it for a minute and then I remembered what you always say, "it's more blessed to give than to receive", and I gave her my care cash. I almost broke into tears in the lunch room. I was encouraged today.

So, I will continue to commit them to His care everyday and thank Him for the incredible privilege it is to be their mommy. I know it's going to be hard at times, but I also know where I can go to find peace and comfort. Thank you God for loving Your children!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Myah Grace!

Myah Grace:
You are truly a joy in our lives. I love you more than you love your pink gank and your thumb! By the way, one day we gotta give those up booger! I cannot imagine life without you. On April 26th, 2005 God allowed me the privilege of becoming your mommy. Really earlier than that, but on that April day, I got to hold you in my arms for the first time. You weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces and were 22 inches long!! You were a fighter from the beginning! One of the things I think is so neat about how God made you is that you are so tender and sensitive. You have been from the beginning. But, you can be so brave too. Like when you had stitches, I couldn't believe the strength I saw in you that day. Or even when you got your 4 year old shots. I thought for sure the whole hospital would hear you scream, but you were so brave and you amazed me. I am praying for you to truly give your heart to Jesus one day and allow God to live through you. I know He has a purpose and a plan for you. God's hands lovingly made you and I can't wait to see how God is going to use your life. I love you Gracie!!


Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We made pink pancakes with chocolate chips in them. (Because I did not feel that they had gotten enough sugar from all of their V-Day parties). :) They are at such a fun age. They are just tickled to death with anything. I gave them each a $5 Barnes and Nobles gift card and a box of chocolates and they thought it was Christmas. I love that. I want to keep that gratefulness going for a few more years!! Emma came home last week from school and asked me if I would buy her a North Face jacket. Happy asked her why she wanted one and she finally responded, "because it's cool". Happy said, "Emma you don't know what cool is"! But, she insists she does and a North Face jacket is cool. Oh dear.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

Here is what I wrote in my journal this morning. For some reason, I thought I would share it:

Today is New Years Day. We all slept in and are having a lazy morning. The girls woke up and went straight to writing books. It's amazing to see how Myah is sounding out words and writing a "book".

I'm sitting in my bedroom trying to have a moment of reflection and prayer, but instead I am hearing the sweet chatter of little girls who are best friends, the dog's obnoxious squeaky toy, and the Today show on the television. Usually, I would be annoyed not to be able to have some quiet time, but this morning, it puts a smile on my face. I am hearing the blessings God has given me.

I am so blessed to have Emma and Myah. I know they were given to Happy and I as a gift from our Heavenly Father. I love being the mom of little girls. I love making baby doll clothes and playing barbies. The drama gets a little crazy at times, but what a blessing they are!

Then, I hear that annoying squeak. (Why did I even buy her a squeaky toy?) Roxy has been quite the challenge. I guess God wanted me to experience a strong willed child. Only strong willed children are usually highly intelligent, and I'm not so sure Roxy has that part of it going for her. But, even she has given our family many laughs together and we are thankful for her. She is also a strong thing, having survived getting hit by a car! Or I could say the car survived getting hit my her!

Last, because he is the most important and biggest blessing in my life is my lifetime partner, my hubby, Happy. My sweet, easily pleased, quiet, and gentle husband has loved me when I've been moody, unlovable, and unsure of myself. He has dedicated his life to changing the world and by no means has he ever forgotten his family. He is so kind and caring. People crave the Jesus they see in him. There have been times in our marriage when we've struggled. I was gently reminded of three things that me, as his wife, need to always remember.

1. To accept him as my husband
2. To accept him as a gift from God
3. To make him my primary ministry

I think I have done okay with number one and number two. But, number three would get a big fat F! This year, with God's help I want to work on that. One day the girls will be gone from our home and only Happy and I will remain. I want to spend the rest of my life with a friend and a lover, not with a man who helped me raise my girls. "You have to fight for it", is what was said to us. It's hard. I'm exhausted at the end of the day. I don't feel like being creative and besides we don't have any money to go out on dates..........EXCUSES!! I'm going to fight for it guys!!!

So, I challenge anyone who might read this to sit back and and "listen" to the blessings in your life. It may be the sound of your dog ripping your favorite pillow apart. Or it might be the sound of children chattering/screaming/crying/fighting, in the background. It could be the sound of your heater coming on, like mine just did, and oh how I'm thankful for that noise!! It could be the sound of coffee brewing, or the television, and you know there is the presence of others in your home. Our God is good. We have much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Highlights from the past couple months...

In November, Emma was a turkey in the Thanksgiving play. Thanks to my friend, Melanie, I was able to come up with a costume that somewhat resembled a turkey. I think Emma was embarrassed, but she didn't say anything to me and wore it anyway, not wanting to hurt her mommy's feelings. :)

Also, in November, we celebrated Emma's 6th birthday. She wanted a Littlest Pet Shop party. My friend, Becky, graciously took on the task of making Emma's cake with only a napkin to look at. She did a GREAT job. It tasted just as good as it looked!

Emma was in the Christmas play at church, "Cookin Up Christmas". It was so cute! She had her famous one liner again this year. She said, "It makes me want to love and serve Him more. It makes me ask myself what gift can I bring Him? What can I offer Him now?"

Myah had a busy month too. She celebrated parties at school and really enjoyed going to see sissy in all her fun plays. Emma was a mule in the Christmas play at school. She had quite a few lines. It was an adorable play. I'll post pictures of that later. I ended up using another camera and do not have access to those pictures as of now.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Emma's baptism

What a sweet moment when you start to see your children begin to understand their faith and take hold of it. Emma has been wanting to get baptized for quite some time now, but we have been hesitant, not wanting her to rush into something she didn't understand. Last Wednesday night at church she saw Pastor David and wanted to go say hi to him, or that is what she told me. When we got over to him she said, "Pastor David I understand about baptism now and I'm ready to be baptized Sunday morning". How can you argue with that? She understands that being baptized does not make you a christian, it is just a public profession of the faith you have already trusted in. We are so proud of her. She is a blessing from above. What is even more special is her daddy is the one who baptized her. :)